Sunday, June 17, 2018

June 16th - Ohio’s In The World Cup?

The 3rd day of the World Cup marks the 1st day of our road trip. I began the day in the Dirty Jerz watching France play the mighty Socceroos of Australia. France, a powerhouse of international football underwhelmed but eventually managed to break down a stubborn Australian side winning 2-1.

Afterwards I drove down to Baltimore which was the official starting point of our cross-country excursion. And we’re off: Maryland to Pennsylvania, to West Virginia, back through Pennsylvania for some reason, and finally into Ohio where we spent our first night. We drove past mountains, valleys, and rivers, but when we reached Ohio all we encountered were long stretches of flat. Just the road, large fields, and maybe a tree or two to mix things up.

I’m aware that traveling is often glamorous. And yet, at times vacations can temporarily edge towards boring or tedious. Miguel and I have our sights set on the splendor of the Grand Canyon, the beaches of Southern California, the wilderness of Olympic National Park. But to get there we must be patient, we must trek through these Ohio cornfields together. Who knows, these dull moments may make the reward at the end even sweeter.

Similarly I recognize that while soccer truly is the beautiful game, watching France, the 7th best team in the world fail to impress against 36th ranked Australia somehow symbolizes the nature of the World Cup. For all of its beauty, its unbridled passion, and unparalleled skill, there are games like today. Games that at times seem a bit tedious. But to get to the Final you must be patient, you might have to sit through an occasional boring game. But who knows, these dull moments may make the reward at the end even sweeter.

See you tomorrow,
- Elwood

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